Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"10-inch Frying Pan" --Think Big!

Here's a story:

A guy went fishing at a lake and there was another another guy at the other side of the lake fishing also. When the other guy catches a big fish, he releases it back to the lake; but when he caught a small one, he keeps it. The first guy couldn't contain his curiosity as the other guy kept doing it so he went up and ask the guy why he's doing so.
First guy: Hey there, I couldn't help being curious, but I just wan to ask, why are you releasing big fishes back to the lake and keep small ones?
Other guy: Oh, that's because I only have a 10-inch frying pan.

C'mon man...See here, we sometimes are like the "other guy", when some thing big is thrown at us (lets say its a big dream) we often times think "10-inch frying pan": I'm not good enough...I'm just a young man...I don't have what it takes...I'm just a teacher...I'm not strong financially...

There was a woman named Deborah in the Bible, and she lives at a time when there are lots of evil(you can't walk down the street without being harassed or picked on). She decided to stand up and desires to make a change. And when she did, people began to follow after her to make a change. (Read Judges chapter4)

You see here, at the "Bible times" (lets just say the old times), women don't have the authority like modern women do have. Deborah here is a wife, n could be a MOTHER. When she dare stood up to make a difference in her people, God's favor make way for her by sending people to support her. She was a catalyst for change.

Points to remember:
*The favor of God will cause people to be good to you.
*God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

Many years ago when there was the Great Depression, there's a this ordinary kid brought up by a simple family without any religion teaching whatsoever. In his class there's this other kid named Sam, who writes a bible verse on the class blackboard every day. The other kids always laughed at him because he's far-off, far-away (in other words, "chim").

One night when the kid was 17 years-old, he walked out a night club and suddenly he began to think about God and what's life about. He was so confused so he found and ask his classmate Sam (whom he laughed at) why is he suddenly thinking all that. Sam talked to him about Jesus Christ and brought him to church. At church, a call was made for people to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, but the guy was afraid. Sam said: "If you go, I'll go with you."

Sam eventually became a minister and he wrote a book titled "I Touched One, He Touched Millions". On the cover of the book is a picture of him and the guy taken when they were 17. The guy also became a minister and is the father of Joel Osteen, the senior pastor of Lakewood Church, the biggest church in the United States!

We may not be able to touch MILLIONS of lives, but we could influence perhaps a dozen people at our work place, or even 1 friend. And perhaps that person you've influence could influence many others! Keep this in mind: I'm not everyone, but I AM ONE. I can't do everything, but I can do SOMETHING.

More points to remember:
*God will never put a dream in you without preparing you for it.
*God will never ask you to give something you don't have.

Conclusion, don't think that you only have a 10-inch frying pan, get a BIGGER PAN!!!


  1. silas: hahaha..tudio..if write dis myself i pastor of lakewood liao lo XD its actually a sermon frm Joel Osteen himself ^^

    Stone: 11inch ok lo..gt bigger la :P haha..
