Saturday, January 9, 2010

ImPACToRS 2010-- New Year Resolutions!

The title is SOOOO wrong.

It should be "Celina's 2010 Resolutions".

Ok so why ImPACToRS? Reason is because the Impactors did 2010 resolutions on the 8th. So naturally I also did my resolutions along with the Impactors.
We were given pretty papers to write on and for us to stuck it some where we can see everyday.

Ain't it pretty? haha.. Ok if you GUYS think this is too cute for a guy, some Impactors guys actually went picky on the designs like "Hey can I have the one with lines please? Oh what about the one with circle lines?"


We did a little "ask-around" to see how Impactors did for last year,2009. Some responses are pretty good like:

"7 out of 11 achieved"
"70% achieved"
"Almost all achieved"

Ok Celina, lets see what you've got...........erm.....25% only?

Whew! Good thing I wasn't asked. Hehehehe.....

Celina you're pathetic~ But nevermind, you'll do better this year.
I've also been looking through some impactors' 2009 goals and found out that...


Celina! That's pretty mean of you! Mental note: Be nice in year 2010.
Other resolutions coming up soon so stay tune people and BE NICE.
God bless!