Saturday, May 28, 2011

Some Good Stuff From My Cousin

Her name is Jessica. One of the cousins/relative who've inspired me. Here are some posts I copied from her :)
My co-worker randomly asked me to work out with her tonight, so I took it as a divine appointment. While working out she kept complaining about having pain in her hips, so I asked her to hold out her legs,& sure enough, one leg was shorter than the other! She doesn't believe in Jesus, so I asked if I could pray,& she said,"Yes." Tonight, Jesus healed her and her legs grew out & are completely even! Jesus is AWESOME!
God's love is stronger than death!! Oh how He agapes (loves) us!!
After counseling and advising students who have stolen cars and dealt drugs for a living, as well as some who have suffered from homelessness, teen pregnancy, and expulsion from high school, I think it is so important for us to focus on who we are and what we can do with God instead of dwelling on our failures. We can't expect to move forward into God's destiny if our heads are always turned towards the past.
She really inspires me to be bold with my faith, sharing about Christ and not to slack in exercising my faith especially in the area of healing/word of knowledge. Be encouraged!

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