Saturday, June 19, 2010

Random Thoughts..About Friends and How Awesome They Are~

You know what, I just love my friends :)

ImPACToRS... SFers... mates from camps & conferences ... School mates... random juniors and seniors... fellow random bro n sis of Christ all over the country...

haha~ I don't regret meeting anyone of them because God has put them in my way.
So what about those who isn't so nice or gets on my nerves or whatever ugly stuff they have did? Hm..So what? XD haha~ they're just people anyway.

I paling paling paling sayang my youth group~ after James leaves I'll be like the oldest (well apart from ibu SH) it makes me feel like a dai ka che XD

My Impactors Spice Girls: Phoeb, Zel, SKY, & Hephzi... Love you girls! plus my favourite senior Liz and wacko laughs-3000times-a-day Kangar sweetie Chris, crazy times we had at church camp XD

*sigh~ there's always some of my awesome friends that will surprise me when times seem okay-okay..just a message through text or internet and I'll be like *CHING~! XD hahaha~

God's so cool that He's created such cool people and I thank Him for EVERYTHING He's done in my life. Another reason to love God more! ^^

Again, love you people :)


  1. Oi!pauline!u dint write bout me?! Hw cud u?so hurt neh..;-( ganna sit in a corner n cry nw..;-(
