Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Don't Know Why...But I'm Cool ^^

I don't know why I don't know what to blog about now (at least not yet) but I'm cool.

I don't know why I had to pray for Portugal (atleast not yet, still finding out) but I'm cool.

I don't know why my friend became emo after her first time to SF's prebelievers sharing meeting, but I'm cool.

I don't know why I got the PR post in the 6th Form Committee, but I'm cool (and happy with it ^^).

Okay okay okay..I don't know why I'm getting more random on blogging now when I have lots and lots to share about. *sheesh~

When don't know what to talk about, talk about God!

I don't know why God's so powerful and awesome, but I'm cool with it.

I don't know why He's so creative and so crazily genius, but I'm cool with it.

I don't know why He's so mighty and to-be-feared but so gentle and kind at the same time, but I'm cool with it.

I don't know why He lets great and wonderful happy things happen and also sad unfortunate mishaps, but I'm cool with it.

I don't know why He's so so so...I don't know? Go read the bible and see how amazing crazy awesome my God is. I just don't know how to describe.

But I do know God sent His only unique and most loved Son to die for me because He crazily loves me (even with all the mess) and I'm DEFINITELY cool with it! ^^

*hopefully I'll know what to blog next.. teehee~ XD

God bless!

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