Sunday, January 2, 2011

2nd Day of 2011

The first day was really something for me, my new year started out not with a cheer but with fits, shouts, screams and tears. Sounds depressing, but this is what holds for me in this new year, new birth.

2010 was a wonderful year for me; I think that it’s the best year in my entire life so far! But something tells me that 2011 won’t be easy for me, first of all, partly because I’m having an important exam and my stress level might cost me another 2kg of my weight. Not gaining weight but losing weight, as I did in my SPM year.

Hey relax…It’s just SPM…
That’s what I told my friends WHILE sitting for SPM. I wonder if I have the guts to say that for STPM.

Anyway, new birth means pain, contraction, tension and tears. Lessons I had to bring into this new year is faith, trust, and patience. Very simple lessons, but God says I had to relearn them. It’s easy to have faith when it’s easy, when the issue isn’t on you, when you have the ASSURANCE that it’ll be okay and you’ll get the answer, SOON. But it’s a whole different thing when the going is tough; the issueS are ALL about you, and you have NO IDEA if it’s gonna be okay, NO IDEA when you’ll get the answer.

Trying not to be anxious. Wait. Trust.

God had been speaking so much to me through many different channels in 2010, thank God! But His “style” is such that He only reveals part here part there…to me I’m like *groan~ God, You’re very withholding You know? I know You know. Pfft~

Suspense… I have the entire year to look for answers…
Suspense… I HAVE to wait for perhaps the entire year to find out the answers…
Suspense… AARgh~ School barely started and I’m anxious like crazy! (Frankly speaking)

God speaks.

Don’t be anxious about anything. Instead, tell God about everything. Ask and pray. Give thanks to Him. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds because you belong to Christ Jesus.

Whoohoo~! I feel the adrenaline of another adventure, like I’m starring in Spiderman4. EXCITED!!! XD By the end of this year I’m gonna look back again, and by God’s grace, be able to say, this is better than 2010.


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