Time: 1400-1530
Date: 24th July
Place: FGC main sanctuary
Number of people who showed up: 9
What we did: worship, update/sharing, prayer, waiting on God, sharing on what we received, prayer
This time we continue our “out there in the world” theme. First, some of us update each other on info/what we received from our last “out there” session. Turns out some of us did find some info and what we received had been quite relevant.
After a time of prayer and waiting before God, most of us received places in the world to pray for. Here’s some points:
Brazil: children, abduction/abortion/sacrifice
England: big churches but no one goes there except tourists; setting bad example as a church, though built missionary schools in Malaysia but now in spiritually bad condition; Islam is growing instead.
Pakistan: mostly M, strong Islamic country; around the world there are many converts into Islam; if Pakistan is touched and changed, M all over the world will get to know God
Malaysia: corruption, pray for justice and against corruption
Western countries: especially England, many jobless people, many Christians, economically declining, first country to bankrupt will be a Christian country.
America: are they portraying a Christian image? Christians’ image affected by Hollywood, America has power to change things/influence
Uganda: pray that churches will continue to grow
Continue to pray for the world, the country God has placed in your heart.
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world~
God bless~!
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