Saturday, October 23, 2010

20*10*2010 Birthday Bliss~

It had been a really wonderful day. Full of surprises. Great people. Oh, and I’ve never felt so girly in one day before. Seriously, everyone was treating me like a lady already, with flowers and accessories and colorful stuff… and yes, pink! *groan~ but I don’t mind because this little girl is growing up *teehee~

Hm…that’s strange, I’ve never received so many wishes and gifts on my birthday before, is it me or is it just because of the special date? Well, I’m moderately materialistic, frankly, but the stuff isn’t the stuff that got my attention. It’s the small bunch of notes and cards that were like bits of onions to my eyes. Here’s some slightly modified bits n’ pieces:

“I know, I know the card is very unprofessional…”
(oh come on, the card is like the most personal and best card you ever made! [You know who you are] *winks~ anyway, you made it with heart :) )

“…you never lack anything, but then, we found out that you don’t have this…”
(very observant of you [both of you], well perhaps, very wise of you to seek God before getting it for me XD)

“Quickly hang it on or else it’ll get confiscated…”
(wow~ very surprising! Busting into my class and bringing something against school rules, seriously, I have one crazy “mortal” like me, the “angel”)

“You gotta have confidence in yourself!”
(this is the most profound thing yet! Great encouragement *sniff~)

“…thank you for guiding me all these years when I’m in the English Youth Impactors…”
( touching T.T but I just gotta say, you’ve only joined us for not even more than 10 months! Man this is seriously cute kid)

Pretty simple stuff right? Yeah you’d probably have someone said these to you too (Oh yeah? Xp) If it hadn’t been because I was reading these stuff in “awkward” moments (like driving or eating etc.) I would’ve had serious eye irritation.

Of course, not forgetting the pajamas episode *chuckle~ I think I’ve inherited some naughtiness from my mom, because even though the jammies thingy was my idea, she suggested to have “jammies inspection” for guests or else they can’t come into the house, and make the not-so-qualified ones wear on shower caps *giggles~ Of course, the food and hospitality credit goes to her.

I don’t know what else to say, except my heartfelt thanks to my family, best buddy Phoebe (I mean without her I don’t think the jammie evening was even possible), my sporting girls, amazing juniors, lovable L6S1, the not-so-sesat Sesat Jo, duo bros, FWP kakis, sweet cousins, and all the amazing people who had given even just a little bit of their time to make their wishes and blessings known. Love you all and may God’s love and blessings be with you always ^^

20.10.2010 had been historical for me :)

10th LYPG ‘10 Report

Time: 1400-1530
Date: 28th August
Place: FGC main sanctuary
Lead by: Phoebe, Tim
Number of people who showed up: 7
What we did: worship, prayer, sharing, closing prayer

This time LYPG is kinda different, Tim shared, well a few shared, okay bottom line is we shared more than we prayed.
SO here's some stuff talked about:

*There was a friend interested to share the Gospel and went out alone and became just the only light. Ended up, not so good. People looking in from outside know that something is wrong, the person is compromising and conforming to the world.
*Suicide dude case. Any small sense of hope given to a suicidal person can make a difference, even save a life.
*What are the Christians doing? Where are they? Yes, we have the urgency to do something but we need to check if our condition is all right, are we stable?
*Christians have to wake up and realize that, if we can't let others see the difference between us and others, what's the point?

Some stuff to reflect and ponder on right? Let's search our hearts, spend time with God, redefine values and priorities where needed.

Be blessed~!

9th LYPG ‘10 Report

Time: 1400-1530
Date: 24th July
Place: FGC main sanctuary
Lead by: Ji Xun
Number of people who showed up: 9
What we did: worship, prayer, waiting on God, sharing on what we received, prayer

The main Scriptures for today are from Hosea 14. Here are some points after waiting on God:

*-Hosea 1
-anger of God
-not living as His children of God though we have Christian names
-Malaysia not living right
-though God is faithful, because of the people not living right/obeying God, He is angry

*-We as young people have not enough understanding about other religions, we don’t take it seriously. That’s why others can’t connect with us and it’s hard to reach out to them.
-It’s important to notice the practices of other religions to connect with them.
-We need to familiarize ourselves in our own country first or else how are we going to reach out to other nations?

* It’s not good for young people or anyone to joke about other races.

* Declare Psalm 24

Let us be convicted always and live right before God, let us reach in and reach out!

Be blessed~!

8th LYPG ‘10 Report

Time: 1400-1530
Date: 24th July
Place: FGC main sanctuary
Number of people who showed up: 9
What we did: worship, update/sharing, prayer, waiting on God, sharing on what we received, prayer

This time we continue our “out there in the world” theme. First, some of us update each other on info/what we received from our last “out there” session. Turns out some of us did find some info and what we received had been quite relevant.

After a time of prayer and waiting before God, most of us received places in the world to pray for. Here’s some points:

Brazil: children, abduction/abortion/sacrifice
England: big churches but no one goes there except tourists; setting bad example as a church, though built missionary schools in Malaysia but now in spiritually bad condition; Islam is growing instead.
Pakistan: mostly M, strong Islamic country; around the world there are many converts into Islam; if Pakistan is touched and changed, M all over the world will get to know God
Malaysia: corruption, pray for justice and against corruption
Western countries: especially England, many jobless people, many Christians, economically declining, first country to bankrupt will be a Christian country.
America: are they portraying a Christian image? Christians’ image affected by Hollywood, America has power to change things/influence
Uganda: pray that churches will continue to grow

Continue to pray for the world, the country God has placed in your heart.
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world~

God bless~!