Sunday, March 14, 2010


hey yo i'm gonna post a real random post to make up for my long-time-no-blog *fake grin~

kay' so maybe not that long time (and this isn't so random), but there's few people who's like "hey its a long time since you've blogged eh?"

c'mon man...its only been about a couple of weeks~ my excuse? i'm just taking a break okay.. no? in other words...


so got it now? this is actually something i had to get rid of this year. now where did i said i would do it....oh right! i did blog about it, don't remember? click here to check it out *winks~

hey don't laugh, especially you Silas! (Pauline knows this is what you got to get rid of also *evil chuckle~) hey if its not you then "paise har", i just get a feeling there's someone...oh well..

so i've decided not to procrastinate so i'm blogging this on the same day i got my last "complain" (*ahem~ Sakai Head *ahem~)

so sit back and relax and BE PATIENT, there's more to come! *grins~

God bless all bloggers! (even slow ones)

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahahahahahahaha..=)

    yes, ive got to get rid of procrastination too..=)..we work together yeah! XD

    love how u signed off! XD

