Tuesday, March 23, 2010

From Moses to Joshua; From Yoshua To Isaac

Hey attention people (especially comrades of the King), MYPG "head" is passing on his "headship" to Big Guy!

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 11:39 AM, yoshua chua yourshoeah@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,

I am glad to inform you of the handing over of the leadership of MYPG to Isaac Lee, who will from now on lead this prayer network/move forward. I have made the decision to step down as I have been challenged to deepen my relationship with God further and to set aside time to seek Him in solitude.

In future, Isaac will be issuing all updates and coordinating all MYPG-related events.

In the mean time, please continue interceding for our Malay countrymen and those who are denied justice all across the nation. Please pray also for the youth of this generation to rise (to give their lives) and for all those who are serving and fighting for Christ in the political arena.

It has been a pleasure and privilege to serve as MYPG National Facilitator for the last 1.5 years, and I hope to continue seeing you at our national level meetings/gatherings. I, like Obi-wan, must now disappear into the realm of 'advisor-hood' and provide the occasional 'grandfather-ly' advice. :)

Signing off,

Thanks Yosh, you have inspired me NOT to be a mercenary in the King's army, I will never forget that! God bless all the MYPG soldiers (and even all the King's soldiers in the world)!


  1. hahahahaa..yoshua, unlike moses is not passing it on because he is dying..he is just moving on to a advisory position..HAHAHA..=)

  2. silas: oh! ok ok..bit blur XD hahaha~
    isaac: yup yup!^^ de nicest n coolest big guy i ever met!!! haha~
